Saturday, August 1, 2009


Why would anyone be so nosey and be assed to blog about someone who he/she hardly know?
No offence but your existence doesnt really mean anything to me, we are both in a different class, we dont even talk to each other. I only know you by your name, your class, your nationality, that's it, nothing more.

That particular post was supposed to serve one of my friend as a wake up call. I had 0 intention to insult you. Besides, you are a strong and intelligent woman you know what to do, you can tell what is right and what's wrong. You even mentioned that you will quit school and join a tuition centre isnt it? Which means you're still going to be studying.
So what has that post got to do with you?

I received your message in the morning, and I thought you really sound apologetic about that matter. I accepted the apology. But after reading that tag reply, I cannot help but to get pissed off.

Yes, I cannot perfectly understand that whoever that's in the same situation as you are would have misunderstood me. But what the heck do you mean by, "I am surprised that you didn't know that I could misunderstand." ?
Didnt I already accepted your apology? But now, you're more like defending yourself insisting that you did nothing wrong.

Yes maybe you didnt, it's just me. I'm petty ok?

This time I'm referring to you